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Included in Your Training Package

10-day Advanced EFT Practitioner & Healthy Community Member Training with EFT Master Teacher, Sonya Sophia   — $13,500 value

30+ hr, 6-week Beginner - Intermediate online course - including 3 live Q & A calls with Sonya Sophia — $2,349 value

1 year membership to The World Tapping Circle (52 live Circles + Tap-along video library) — 
$240 + value 

27 nourishing meals with mostly organic food (dinner on arrival through lunch on departure) — 
$400 + value

9 nights of lodging — $450 value

25+ hours of teaching time with Sonya Sophia — $11,250 + value

25+ hours of supervised practice time — $3,750 + value

24-hour support from experienced EFT Practitioners trained by Sonya Sophia — $16,200 + value

Daily meditation practice and ecstatic dance

♥ Creative play time & rest

♥ Training materials

♥ Immersion into like-minded community

♥ Advanced EFT Practitioner Certification from the Sophia School of Living Arts upon completion of 50 hours of practicing EFT with others 

♥ Ongoing integration support With Sonya Sophia in  monthly EFT Angel Uplift Call —  $2,700 + value

♥ Ongoing community support via Advanced EFT practitioners Facebook group

♥ Ability to become an Affiliate of both the World Tapping Circle and the Sophia School of Living Arts 
Total Value of EFT Practitoner and Community Member Training = $50,839

NOTE:  100% Completion of the Beginner-Intermediate Level EFT online course
is a required prerequisite for attending this in-person Training.  

Apply Now

"Knowing how to give a quality EFT session puts you in a powerful position of knowing how to help yourself and others process feelings."

“In Sonya’s training I learned a profoundly heartfelt and totally accessible way to unravel deep trauma & pain that years of therapy could not touch. I am forever grateful."

"These 10 days have revealed to me the roots of so many long held, painful beliefs…shining love, light, healing & understanding on them in a very supportive, super safe, group setting where everyone is included."

This Training is thorough, yet it's easy to understand and put into practice immediately.

If you work with people in any capacity, you'll use your EFT skills every day to help things run more smoothly. This life skill is a game changer for growing a business, leading teams, being a parent, and for developing and maintaining healthy relationships.

We have certified EFT Practitioners from a vast array of backgrounds.  They go on to do more than make money giving  professional EFT sessions.

They become leaders in their communities and positively influence the part of society in which they have roots, be it in the education sector, Silicon Valley, the arts, or integrative medicine.
